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The Plot: Follows Declan Harp, a half-Irish/half Cree Native-Canadian outlaw who is campaigning to breach the Hudsons Bay Companys monopoly on the fur trade in Canada.
Genre: Drama, History, Western
Stars: Jason Momoa, Landon Liboiron, Zoe Boyle
Director: Rob Blackie, Peter Blackie
Season 1 |
1. Frontier (2016 - Vj Kimuli - Luganda) (Season 1, Episode 1 - A Kingdom Unto Itself)
The fur trade of the late 1700s was a time of greed, violence and ambition -- Part Game of Thrones (HBO), part Turn (AMC), the story is one of a vicious and violent struggle for control of the fur trade.2. Frontier (2016 - Vj Kimuli - Luganda) (Season 1, Episode 2 - Little Brother War)
When a Cree boy is taken hostage by Lord Benton, the tribe allows Declan Harp the chance to find him. Meanwhile, Grace Emberly drums herself up a deal with Captain Chesterfield behind closed doors.3. Frontier (2016 - Vj Kimuli - Luganda) (Season 1, Episode 3 - Mushkegowuk Esquewu)
After an unprovoked attack on their camp, Machk leads the Lake Walkers to retaliate against the Brown Brothers; Harp sets out to find the truth while tensions increase.4. Frontier (2016 - Vj Kimuli - Luganda) (Season 1, Episode 4 - Wolves)
An unexpected arrival to Fort James puts Lord Benton and Chesterfield on edge; Emberly conspires to rid herself of a problem; Michael is shocked when he sees someone from his past.5. Frontier (2016 - Vj Kimuli - Luganda) (Season 1, Episode 5 - The Disciple)
Captain Johnson closes in on Benton; and the fort is reinforced with soldiers as Harp and Benton come face to face. Meanwhile, Emberly makes a move to control Chesterfield.6. Frontier (2016 - Vj Kimuli - Luganda) (Season 1, Episode 6 - The Gallows)
Michael and Sokanon conspire to free Harp from Benton, which sends Fort James into a state of chaos.Member Login
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