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Airplane Mode (2019 - English)

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The Plot: En route to the worlds largest social media convention in Australia, Logan Paul is scared to death; today is his first time flying. All of his worst nightmares come true when the passengers refuse to switch their phones to airplane mode, causing the planes controls to go haywire and electrocuting the pilots. Amidst the chaos, Juanpa Zurita (Logans foreign exchange brother) has one goal: to lose his virginity or die trying. Its up to Logan to overcome his fears, defeat a Russian psychopath on the loose, and save the day. Co-starring Chloe Bridges, Amanda Cerny, King Bach, Nick Bateman, Lele Pons, Roman Atwood, Casey Neistat, Brittany Furlan, and many more, the internet is about to crash and explode Logan knows he will save his fandom .

Genre: Comedy

Stars: Chloe Bridges, Mikaela Hoover, Amanda Cerny

Director: David Dinetz, Dylan Trussell

File size: 220MB


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