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African Kung-Fu Nazis (2019 - English)

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The Plot: Unlike history books tell us, Adolf Hitler did not commit suicide in his bunker, but instead fled to the African continent in his submarine. Teaming up with his new right hand, infamous Japanese military leader Hideki Tojo and the brutal Horse-Man Gring, he plans on conquering the world once again - starting in Ghana. With the might of his loyal (although brainwashed) Ghan-Aryans and his superhuman Karate-Powers, Hitler destroys the African Kung-Fu school of the shadow snake, killing its leader. Grieving for his master, Kung-Fu disciple Addae seeks revenge by participating in Hitlers martial arts tournament. Will he find the strength of body and mind to defeat the evil dictator?

Genre: Action, Comedy, Horror

Stars: Kwaku Adu, Yoshito Akimoto, Ntul Andrew

Director: Sebastian Stein

File size: 305MB


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