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The Captive Nanny (2020 - English)

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The Plot: Chloe (Karynn Moore) is a nanny who desperately wants to adopt but needs to get her life together first. She finds the perfect live-in nanny position with the Brown family - Emily (Austin Highsmith), Michael (Michael Aaron Milligan) and their son - that will help get her life back on track. She quickly learns theyre oddly strict about security, with coded locks on all doors. Emily explains its due to her famous musician ex named Baz (Jason Skeen), who stalks her. Horrified, Chloe agrees to help Emily and Michael keep their son safe. But when Chloe notices things seem a bit off with the Browns, Emily and Michael turn on Chloe and accuse her of being a spy for Baz. They lock her up to force a false confession out of her, but Chloe soon learns that its not Baz thats making bad things happen - its Emily, who is determined to win back Baz by any means necessary.

Genre: Thriller

Stars: Austin Highsmith, Karynn Moore, Michael Aaron Milligan

Director: Amy S. Weber

File size: 286MB


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