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Someday Isles (2020 - English)

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The Plot: "Someday Isles" is a Feature Film detailing the chaotic journey of PayAttenion coming to terms with his lifes purpose by embracing his destiny through self-actualization. The film is set in multiple destinations, but scenes are concentrated primarily in Hong Kong and Los Angeles. The central focus and meanings of the film are self-reflection, self-determination, and finding a greater understanding of ones purpose by following ones own path to bliss. PayAttentions journey in this film is paralleled by that of a young woman named Ling Fei who is attending college in Los Angeles. Ling Fei comes from a wealthy family from Hong Kong; her family is incredibly controlling over her future, they rarely give her room to breathe.

Genre: Action, Comedy, Drama

Stars: Shawn St. Cyr, Danny Kwok-Kwan Chan, Michelle Ip

Director: Tsz Ying Lau, Shawn St. Cyr

File size: 300MB


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