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Pick A Side (2021 - English)

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The Plot: Marcus, a successful Computer Programmer wants to live the good life and will do whatever it takes to live the so called American Dream. So much that he finds himself being selfish and disconnected to the world. The only small connection he has is to his older brother, Cyrus, who helped raise them while there mother was on drugs. Cyrus isnt as straight-laced as his brother and stays in the streets, running with gangs, robbing banks and fighting in underground arenas. When Cyrus is murdered due to living a gangster lifestyle, Marcus has to make a choice and throw away some of his values to bring his brother killer to justice.

Genre: Action, Drama

Stars: Sharmaarke Purcell, Jyoti Swamy, Tyrone Diggs

Director: Edward Calvin Green

File size: 395MB


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